European civilization is among the most influential in the world. To understand Europe is to understand one of the main sources of modernity. The European Union has emerged as a major actor in world politics and economics; its growth and development are of vital global importance. 

Within the BSocSc (Hons) in European Studies, Political Science provides the disciplinary core, underpinned by history and (cultural) area studies, business/economics or communication courses. Students also undergo rigorous training in either German or French up to levels of academic and professional fluency. The aim is to give students a firm knowledge of the basic features of the European world and the communicative skills necessary for a future professional or academic career in the field of European-Asian relations. Knowledge of Europe is deepened by the Honours Project in the final year, based on first-hand research into a particular subject related to Europe. Successful graduates also possess the skills requisite for immediate entry to postgraduate programmes both locally and in Europe. 


  • To provide students with a general and up-to-date knowledge of contemporary Europe, firmly grounded in the social sciences, with an emphasis on the European Union and its member states;
  • To enable students to grasp the significance of Europe to world history, politics and economics and to train them to become skilled and knowledgeable communicators between Hong Kong/mainland China and Europe;
  • To assist students in acquiring high, professionally relevant proficiency in one major European language (other than English);
  • To provide orientation and intellectual stimulus for students to understand and appreciate their own and other cultures/societies in an increasingly multi-polar and multi-cultural world; and
  • In these ways to contribute to Hong Kong's role as a major international commercial and cultural crossroads.

Programme handbook: BSoc.Sc. (Hons) in European Studies Programme Handbook

Discover where our degree can take you - hear from our graduates

Curriculum design

Programme Structure (Academic Years 2019-20 to 2022-23)
1Social Sciences Common Core4 units
2Major in European Studies
Required Courses
Honours Project

66 units
6 units
3University Core Courses13 units
4General Education Courses18 units
5Free Elective (EURO3008 and EURO3009)#21 units
 Total:128 units

#Students may take additional GE courses (of Level 1 or 2) in any categories to fulfil the "Free Electives" requirement but only a maximum of 6 units will be counted towards the fulfilment of the "Free Electives" requirement.

Overview (Academic Year 2022-23 onward)

Study Plan Study Plan

Academic Year 2022-23 onward

Study Plan Study Plan

Students seeking to pursue the study of a minor programme would need to fulfil 15 units of courses specified by the offering department/programme, and note that no registration priority will be given to enrolment in minor courses.
Upon completion of the 15 units required for the minor programmes, students should apply to the Academic Registry for approval.


Five of the following courses (3 units each; 15 units in total)*

EURO1205 French and German Societies through the World of Film

EURO1206 Europe: Unity and Diversity

EURO2007 The Political Economy of the European Union

EURO2015 Model European Union

POLS2205 European Politics and Society: French Political and Government System

POLS2206 European Politics and Society: German Political Systems and Society

POLS3235 Comparative Democracies: The United Kingdom and The United States

EURO4005 Current Issues of European Integration

POLS4215 Contemporary Europe and Asia

POLS4246 Topics in European Politics

POLS4255 Comparative Regionalism and Regionalization

* Among the 15 units of elective courses taken, at least two 3-unit courses must be taken at Level 3 or 4.

It is recommended to discuss in advance any plans to pursue a minor programme degree with the Programme Director of the specific programme.

For general and/or further information about minor programme studies, please read the Useful Notes on Taking Minor Programmes provided by Academic Registry.