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Combined Degree Programmes

Government & International Studies (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
(for French Students)


The Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux (Sciences Po Bordeaux) is an elite tertiary education institution in France that provides rigorous training in social sciences at large, and contemporary world affairs in particular. Eventually, the students who fulfill the requirements will graduate with three degrees: the Bachelor degree at the end of the third year from Sciences Po Bordeaux, the B.SocSc. (Hons) in Government and International Studies at the end of the fourth year from HKBU and Diplôme de Sciences Po Bordeaux (equivalent to master degree) at the end of the fifth year.


Programme Structure & Curriculum


Sciences Po Bordeaux Students in Government and International Studies will study Year 1 and Year 2 in Hong Kong, and Sciences Po Bordeaux will validate the courses taken by the students in Year 1 and 2. Students are requested to study Year 3, 4 and 5 at Sciences Po Bordeaux. Upon successful completion of the third year, students will graduate with the Bachelor degree of Sciences Po Bordeaux. In Year 4 Hong Kong students are required to write an Honours Project in English under the co-supervision of HKBU and Sciences Po Bordeaux faculty, as part of the requirements of the B.SocSc. (Hons.) in Government and International Studies. Successful completion of the fifth year will lead to the conferring of the Diplôme.


Curriculum Component

Units taken in HKBU

Units taken in Sciences Po Bordeaux

General Education & University Core

31 31 0

Major - Core Courses

24 21 3
Major - * Elective Courses 36 (33+3) 9 27

Major - Honours Project

 6 6 0

Social Sciences Common Core (SSCC) - SSCC Core

 1 1 0
Social Sciences Common Core (SSCC) - * Experiential Learning in Action 0 (3-3) N/A N/A
Free Electives 30 3 27
Whole Degree 128  71 57
  • Fulfilled by taking double counting course - GCAP3195 (units will count toward GE Capstone, students are required to take 3 units of Major Elective Course to replace the short of Common Core units.)


Application & Selection


Please refer to the Sciences Po Bordeaux website.